Wednesday, April 6, 2016

London, Day Three

Once again, I slept in too late.

We went to a place called Wafflemeister for breakfast. It was good! Too sweet, though, for breakfast. It had banana, nuts, whipped cream, and chocolate on it. Then we took a tour of the Thames River. It was awesome! The time flew by! We went to Hard Rock for dinner. It was pretty much like every other Hard Rock I've ever been to before. There were a few differences, but nothing worth pointing out.

This was our first day doing the typically tourist stuff. Until today, we hadn't made it anywhere near that part of town. There were so many tourists, it was hard to get through the crowd! We didn't find out until later but, apparently, this is Spring break for this part of the word. That explains all the teenagers running around speaking French.

Tower Bridge
The Shard.
The HMS Belfast.

A better picture of the Tower Bridge.
We'd planned to catch a movie before heading back to the hotel, but the theater near us was only playing one movie I hadn't already seen and I wasn't about to watch Kung Fu Panda 3 without the Littles. I thought it would be nice, instead, to stop at one of the local pubs near our hotel, but a thunder storm was rolling in and I didn't want to get stuck in it. So, my first pint in the U.K. was in the hotel lobby. It didn't smell like beer in the U.S., it didn't smell like anything at all. It was strong, though! I was done after one pint!

I know that seems like a pretty uneventful day, but it was nice. My feet have been killing me, so I wanted to do stuff sitting down today. Besides, with all the people watching to do, there is never a dull moment.

Speaking of people, the ones I've seen here so far have been ridiculously attractive! A guy walked past me today at Hard Rock and, I swear, he looked just like Jamie Dornan! There are so many hot guys running around this place, it's hard to focus! Who knew London was harboring all the beautiful people? Now, they're not all Idris Elba-esque, but they're well-groomed, healthy-looking people.

And everyone is so skinny! Well, not skinny, but normal sized. The food here is equally processed and fatty. That leaves me to conclude it's the exercise they get from taking public transportation. The people here are constantly running after the bus, or the tram, or the tube, or the train. It's a complicated system, for sure! Once you figure it out, though, you can get everywhere! Even with Google maps, we've gotten turned around a dozen times or more! I don't know what we would have done without it!

Anyway ... day three I wore my stunting shades, had dessert for breakfast, sailed on the Thames, took a hard blow to my self-esteem, and drank my first pint. Those last two may, or may not, be related.

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