Friday, April 8, 2016

London, Day Eight

Check out my lightening bolt pants!
Today started earlier than I would have liked, especially since I was up late, drinking last night. My excitement for today's activity kept me going, though. We went to tour the Harry Potter studios. If you know me, then you probably know I'm a huge Potter-head! I don't normally take so many pictures, but everything was so interesting! I will say, it's designed for fans. Unless you're a die-hard, true-blue, wand waving, muggle-lover, then this place may not hold much interest for you. There's some movie magic unraveled but, for the most part, it's more like a museum than an amusement park. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios is far superior. If you're not a big fan, like me, don't feel bad about skipping it.

After leaving Warner Brother's Studios, I tried to check out some of the local book stores. I only made it to one, the oldest one in London, Hatchard's. And I only saw two floors of it, there were at least four, but I couldn't be sure. My body gave out on me before I could finish. So, I braved rush hour to get back to the hotel before I collapsed in the street. Hopefully, I'll sleep well tonight and be bright-eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. Tomorrow is our last full day in England. I loved it here, but I'm ready to be back with the Littles. I missed the Little Little something fierce today!

Magic and books, that's all I really ask for out of life, and I got plenty of both today! There's a ton more I want to see and do here, and the time to see and do them is winding down, but I'll be glad when Sunday comes and I get to cuddle up with my favoritest (yes, I know that's not a "real" word) people in all the world.

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