Sunday, June 19, 2016

Why haven't I been blogging?

Why haven't I been blogging? I have no idea. I've done some amazing things since I got back from London. I saw Bruce Bruce, Martin Lawrence, and Beyonce! I started eating meat again. (sad face) I went to Boston! I moved into my own apartment!

This has really been quite a year, and it's only halfway done.

The Beyonce concert was a fiasco! I'm still waiting to hear back from Ticketmaster about my complaint. Once I do, I'll tell you all about it.

Boston was amazing! I took my niece for her birthday. She wants to go to Harvard when the time comes. So, I took her to tour the campus. It was amazing! I think I was more excited than she was.

One day, she'll attend Harvard Law and I'll take another one of these.

It wasn't her first plane ride, but she was too young to remember the last one. She does not enjoy flying.

Penguins are her favorite! The New England Aquarium had a wonderful exhibit!

I just love how happy this photo looks!

We stayed right down the street from this Paul Revere monument.

This Holocaust Memorial shook me. I cried.

John Harvard statue!

This is the library in one of the dorms at Harvard. Yes, each dorm has it's own library. And it has a piano!

Whale watching! We only saw a couple of whales, from a substantial distance, for just a few seconds. It was a bust, but it was a nice boat ride. We couldn't have asked for better weather!
We stayed in this little Italian neighborhood in North Boston. It was the perfect location! I used Airbnb for the first time. We got a better price than any hotel in the area! It worked out better than I could have imagined, but I still prefer hotels. It just feels weird staying in someone else's living space. I'm pretty sure the apartment we stayed in is used exclusively as a vacation rental, but still.

The neighborhood was fantastic, mostly Mom & Pop places. I got the best coffee I've ever had at a cluttered corner market where you can buy herbs and spices. The men behind the counter spoke to regular patrons while they rung us up. It was like something out of a movie! I would visit Boston again in a heartbeat!

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