Monday, March 28, 2016

March Wrap Up

You don't know how truly alone in the world you are until you become too sick to care for yourself. For the most part, being single suits me. I do what I want, when I want, with whomever I choose. Or, more often than not, by myself. It's taken some time, but I enjoy the freedom that comes with this lifestyle. Still, there are moments when being single sucks huge donkey balls; like, any time I have to deal with anything automotive related, whenever there's a thunder storm, and when I get sick. So, when I got the flu last week, not only was I violently ill, but I had the added bonus of feeling utterly alone.

I've never had the flu before. I hope I never have it again. There was coughing and vomiting, a fever and the chills, and the worst migraine I've ever had in my life! I didn't eat at all for four days, and it was another two before I managed to actually hold anything down. By the end of it, I was so weak with hunger, I couldn't stand for more than a few minutes at a time. I would have given my left boob for someone to make me soup and brush my hair. Still, I survived.

So, the Year of the Monkey continues ...

Garth Brooks was the highlight of this month, but the rest of March was supposed to be spent putting my ducks in a row; writing a will, making sure I'm setting aside enough for retirement, establishing a budget, filing my taxes -- that stuff. I didn't do any of those things. I could blame it on being sick, but the truth is, I was just too busy. I definitely over booked myself. April was supposed to be my month, filled with hair appointments, massages, and manicures. It looks like I'll have to forgo those, so I can focus on those ducks I neglected.

On Thursday, I leave for London. Wait -- I have to type that again. I'm leaving for London on Thursday! I could scream, I'm so excited! Even though YA is my scene now, I started with historical romance. So, the idea of visiting merry old England and seeing all the places I've read about so many times is thrilling, to say the least.

I can't wait to see a new part of the world, to try new foods, and meet new people. I've made no secret of my wanderlust. I keep a lid on it. Loving the Littles means staying in one place. It's a sacrifice I make gladly, but it is a sacrifice. Of course, when I began planning this year, I had to make concessions for travel. The longer I stay in one place, the harder it becomes. So, I decided to see more of the world, even if it's just one weekend at a time.

After I return from England, I'll have a little over a month before I fly to Boston with the Big Little. In August, I'm taking the Little Little to New York. And, in October, the Boss Little and I are going to Philadelphia. I'm already trying to decide where to go next year!

I still have a ton of things to do before I leave on Thursday. I was ahead of the game until the flu laid me up. Now, I'll be pushing to wrap up loose ends before I go. At the end of the day, I'll be on that plane no matter what, but I'd like to take off with peace of mind. So, I guess I'd better get to work.

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