Thursday, March 17, 2016

Garth-Fricken-Brooks Ya'll

I know Country music isn't for everyone, but I love it! I remember being eleven or twelve years old, flipping between Jukebox, BET, MTV, and VH1. Somewhere between those channels, was the one that played Country music videos. "That Ain't My Truck", by Rhett Akins, just happened to be on and, for reasons I can't explain, it caught my attention. That night, I left my radio on the Country station, trying to hear it again. And that is where my love affair with Country began.

Garth Brooks is one of my favorite country artists. Christmas of 1998, my boyfriend at the time gave me Garth's six-CD box set. I still have them! They're worn and scratched, and skip constantly, but I still have them. When Garth set up shop in Las Vegas, I planned to go see him there, but never got around to it. When I found out he planned to come to North Carolina, I couldn't get my ticket fast enough!

I couldn't find anyone to go with me, so I flew solo, as I so often do to these things. It worked out, though, that the woman in front of me, Kristen, was also by herself. So, we chatted throughout the show. The couple sitting next to me were really friendly too! I didn't get their names, but they were as nice as two people can be. It was her 30th birthday and he'd surprised her that morning with the Garth Brooks tickets. How sweet is that?

Karyn Rochelle opened the show. Her most popular song is Red High Heels, but that's the only song of her's I'd ever heard. She played some of her new music too, though, and it was good! Karyn has a great voice! After the show, she held a Meet & Greet. I got her autograph on her new CD and snapped a photo. Check out my new favorite shirt!

Garth came out and did his thing! I spent the entire time on my feet, dancing and singing. He has a new album out, and he played one new song, but the rest was all the old stuff. I knew every single song! I screamed and sang along and had just about as much fun as you can have on a Friday night! I drank a couple of beers when I first got there, so I had pee just three or four songs in. Some people had started partying too early, apparently, and one of them was already tossing her cookies in the bathroom. I refused too pee anymore, just because I couldn't make it up those stairs again, but given the volume of the revelries, I'm sure there was a lot of bathroom action!

I've talked before about loving music for the lyrics. That's what I love most about Garth Brooks' music. Even if you can't get down with the Country twang, you should google the lyrics. They're poetry, I swear! That show was worth every penny! I would see him again, in a heartbeat! Unfortunately, I somehow managed to delete a bunch of the videos I took at the show, so I'll leave you with one of the best Garth Brooks songs of all time. I'm almost certain he wrote it about me, so I'm partial to it.

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