Sunday, January 3, 2016

And So The Adventure Begins

January started slow for me. I didn't make any extreme exercise or diet plans. I don't have a fixed budget. I made no promises about who I would spend time with, how many books I would read, or how many hours I would devote to writing. Instead, I ate what we have at the house, only got off the couch for activities essential to survival, and spent most the the day staring at either my laptop or my phone with no real purpose. Although, obviously, I've managed to get some blogging done. 

Apart from a dull, constant headache, it's been lovely! This is my year for adventures, so I'm appreciating the down time. I'm happy to chill for a few days and bask in the inertia. I expect the rest of the year to fly by a warp speed!

I've alluded several times to my big plans for this year, without giving any specific details. I hate when people do that, so I apologize. The truth is, if I told you everything I have on my calendar, your very first question would be, "How are you going to pay for all that?" To which, I would reply, "I have no idea." 

There's something magical about having dreams bigger than your budget, though! Still, when the time comes to buy plane tickets and book hotels, either the money is there or it's not. Let's hope I find a way to make it be there. 

In the mean time, my first event of the year is relatively inexpensive but, by far, the most terrifying. I'm telling you about it, hoping you'll keep me accountable, because there is about a 75% chance that I'll chicken out. So, basically, there's a 20% chance that I'll be zip lining at the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC at the end of the month. The other 5% are my odds of having a heart attack before the whole thing even begins. 

I'm afraid of heights. Not nervous, or anxious, but truly afraid. Like, I can't decide if I should vomit or faint, so I'll just stop breathing-- that kind of afraid! My two older nephews will be with me. Typically, this would make me brave. I don't want them to be scared, so I'll have to keep it together. I'm not counting on their presence to calm me, though. Thus, there's a 50% chance my "water bottle" will contain a little liquid courage. While it may increase the odds of me vomiting, it may diminish my capacity to give a damn. Either way, I'll let you know how it goes.

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